Friday Link Love

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1)  Since we’re wrapping up “Bridal Week” here on Le Blog, I thought I would finish strong with a roundup of the best under $1K wedding dresses that don’t look cheap!  Now imagine how you’ll spend all that cash that you just saved on a honeymoon suite upgrade… just sayin’! (

2) Each year, my sister-and-laws and I make a migration to the Premium Outlets in our area.  The day is long, many miles are walked and way too much money is usually spent.  We wouldn’t have it any other way.  If that doesn’t motivate you to make the trek to the outlet stores, here are 10 reasons why outlet shopping is the best shopping! (

3) Canadian Tuxedo and President of the United States.  Those are two phrases that I never thought would appear in a news story together.  Alas, I was wrong.  Find out what is causing a fashion uproar among the Washington political set HERE. (

4) As the winter is slowly drawing to a close (I PRAY!), I’m trying to squeeze in my last dose of cold weather comfort food.  This Dijon and Cognac Beef Stew is the perfect culinary solution. (

5) I am a total germaphobe.  Even more so, now that I have kids.  While I am thankful they are potty trained, this new bathroom development has opened up a major can of germ phobia for me especially when we are out and about. Thank goodness for the kind folks at Charmin.  The geniuses behind the cushy toilet paper developed a new app called “SitorSquat.”  It allows people to rate public restrooms and provides users with a detailed map of nearby potty options and their cleanliness status. (

6) If you’re looking to invest in one new shoe to update your summer look, THIS should be it. (

7) Ok, so the genius behind the “Cronut” (a.k.a. Dominique Ansel) has done it again.  May I introduce you to the chocolate chip cookie shaped like a shot glass.  For milk, obviously.  WHY HAS NO ONE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?! (

I’m SO thankful to be wrapping up this week.  My family is in town for the weekend so I’m looking forward to the extra sets of hands, eyes and ears.  No matter how old you are, at times, everyone needs their mom and dad!



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